W3.CSS sales@rehabadvantage.co.in   +91 888 883 3509

Aircast® Cryo IC Cooler

  • Aircast® Cryo IC Cooler integrated 2 in 1 device to deliver effective cold therapy & intermittent
  • compression Choice of using with or without compression
  • Cooler maintains temperature of 10°C -16° C for not
    less than 6 hours
  • Wide choices of cuffs to choose from: shoulder, elbow,
    wrist, back, back/hip, thigh, knee, calf & ankle
  • Cuffs made up of dual layer of polyurethane

Aircast® Cryo IC Cooler

  • Aircast® Cryo IC Cooler integrated 2 in 1 device to deliver effective cold therapy & intermittent
  • compression Choice of using with or without compression
  • Cooler maintains temperature of 10°C -16° C for not
    less than 6 hours
  • Wide choices of cuffs to choose from: shoulder, elbow,
    wrist, back, back/hip, thigh, knee, calf & ankle
  • Cuffs made up of dual layer of polyurethane